
Criminal Filing

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Requires quite a bit more work, including:

  • #40
  • allowing casecategories that are criminal
  • all of the criminal info codes and info bits in the filing itself (below is comments in code)
    // * vehicletype, i.e. Four Door, 34 PU, Moped, etc.
    // * vehiclemake
    // * vehiclecolor
    // * statuetypes, a whole lot, lol
    // * statute
    // * race: PersonRaceText in ReviewFiling
    // * question: QuestionAnswer in ReviewFiling
    // * answer: QuestionAnswer in ReviewFiling
    // * bond: relates to CaseChargeBondAmount, CaseChargeBondType, and BondTypeText in ReviewFiling
    // * arrestlocation
    // * chargephase: in ReviewFiling Criminal
    // * citationjurisdiction
    // * haircolor
    // * general offense
    // * lawenforcementunit: EnforcementOfficialText
    // * eyecolor
    // * ethnicity
    // * physicalfeature: personphysicalfeature, and physicalfeature
    // * degree: statutelevelchange