Ex.No:3 Create Your Own Content Providers to get Contacts details.


To create your own content providers to get contacts details using Android Studio.


Android Studio(Min. required Artic Fox)


Step 1: Open Android Stdio and then click on File -> New -> New project.

Step 2: Then type the Application name as “ex.no.3″ and click Next.

Step 3: Then select the Minimum SDK as shown below and click Next.

Step 4: Then select the Empty Activity and click Next. Finally click Finish.

Step 5: Design layout in activity_main.xml.

Step 6: Get contacts details and Display details give in MainActivity file.

Step 7: Save and run the application.


Program to print the text create your own content providers to get contacts details.
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printtext “Display Contact details”


Thus a Simple Android Application create your own content providers to get contacts details using Android Studio is developed and executed successfully.