- adycat
- amberisvibin
- arcariceCompsci Student
- AwesumIndustrysBingus Softworks / AI Games
- bhavyakukkar
- CatFishing4Guyz
- coffeedvd
- cyntheticfoxThe Den at The End of Time
- DawPacSkierniewice/Poland
- dumbcatnya
- Ferxas
- FireStreaker2Atlantis
- Glumanda828
- hacktailSweden
- hykilpikonna@HyDevelop
- JessSystemVnull
- JubscleissonRio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Mandrew0822
- maybe-kay
- mintsuki
- Napoleon-xT/RBOD
- NoaQTMentis d.o.o
- nox-fluff
- nxrbertz
- polygonnedpotatoCompany
- ProfessorQwQ
- S3B20Germany
- sech1pUnemployment LLC
- shorkdev
- SomeAspyCollege Student, Working in public services
- SpiderUnderUrBed
- SugaryyyyPoland
- TadavomnisT
- vanten-sBig Megacorp Inc.
- wertercatt@FallingStar-Games