
AI facial recognition uses algorithms to analyze unique facial features for identity verification. Valuable for security and personalized devices.

Primary LanguagePython


AI facial recognition uses algorithms to analyze unique facial features for identity verification. Valuable for security and personalized devices.


Facial recognition is a form of inheritance authentication — the kind that requires biometrics. It is significantly more secure than traditional forms of security (such as passwords and card readers), since it is much harder to replicate. This type of technology is also more efficient than other forms of authenticating a person’s identity, since it does not require them to remember logging information or worry about lost, stolen, or forgotten entry cards. For purposes of protecting your business data, facial recognition technology comes with a long list of benefits and advantages.


A complete face recognition system includes face detection, face preprocessing and face recognition processes. Therefore, it is necessary to extract the face region from the face detection process and separate the face from the background pattern, which provides the basis for the subsequent extraction of the face difference features.

The Real time applications of our Face Recognition system are as follows- • To do face recognition in real time. • Enhance the Speed i.e. frames/sec. • Do recognition on high Camera resolution.

1.3 FEATURES OF PROJECT Facial Recognition System is a Bio-metric Technology that uses different facial features to identify a person. The process of this system includes Detection of Face, Pre-processing of Facial Nodal Points (Feature Extraction) and Face Recognition.

1.4 PLATFORM/TECHNOLOGY We will be using be using computer vison libraries such as OpenCV and algorithms such as the Haar Cascades algorithm to identify human faces. These libraries are designed to recognize and manipulate faces as well as solve computer vision problems. We will need to process pictures given by the user using inbuilt library functions such as OpenCV and compare these faces with faces the user chooses to display and identify them

1.5 Flowchart


1.6 Output

