
Instagram-Landing-Page is a project aimed at replicating the landing page design of Instagram's website for learning and practice purposes.

Repository Structure

  1. css/: Directory containing CSS stylesheets for styling the landing page.
  2. img/: Directory containing images used in the landing page.
  3. index.html: HTML file for the landing page.

Main Components

  1. index.html: Landing Page
    • Replicates the design of Instagram's landing page.
    • Includes sections for sign-up, login, download the app, and footer links.


To view the Instagram-Landing-Page locally:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Instagram-Landing-Page
  3. Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the landing page.


The project is maintained by suhassk-hash. Contributions from other developers are welcome through pull requests.