
The LMS is intended to automate the management of a library's resources. The system will handle book inventory, member registrations, and transactions such as book issues and returns. It aims to improve efficiency, reduce manual errors, and provide a user-friendly interface for both library staff and members.

Primary LanguageJava

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for Library Management System (LMS)

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed description of the requirements for the Library Management System (LMS). It will outline the functional and non-functional requirements, design constraints, and other pertinent information needed for the development and deployment of the system.

1.2 Scope

The LMS is intended to automate the management of a library's resources. The system will handle book inventory, member registrations, and transactions such as book issues and returns. It aims to improve efficiency, reduce manual errors, and provide a user-friendly interface for both library staff and members.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • LMS: Library Management System
  • SRS: Software Requirements Specification
  • GUI: Graphical User Interface
  • API: Application Programming Interface

1.4 References

  • IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
  • Library Management Best Practices

1.5 Overview

This SRS document is organized into the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overall Description
  3. Specific Requirements
  4. Appendices

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The LMS is a standalone system that will replace the existing manual process of managing library resources. It will interact with a relational database to store and retrieve information. The system will have a web-based user interface and may later include mobile support.

2.2 Product Functions

  • Book Management: Add, update, delete, and search for books.
  • Member Management: Register, update, delete, and search for library members.
  • Transaction Management: Issue and return books, track due dates and fines.
  • Authentication: Login and registration for library staff and members.
  • Reporting: Generate reports on library usage, book inventory, and transactions.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

  • Library Staff: Manage books, members, and transactions. Requires a user-friendly interface and access to administrative functions.
  • Library Members: Search for books, check their account status, and view transaction history. Requires a simple interface for ease of use.
  • Administrators: Oversee the entire system, manage user roles, and access all functionalities. Requires a comprehensive interface with advanced options.

2.4 Operating Environment

  • Web Application: Compatible with modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
  • Database: MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Server: Runs on a Java-based server (e.g., Apache Tomcat).

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

  • Security: Must comply with standard security practices, including encryption for sensitive data.
  • Performance: Must handle a high number of concurrent users and transactions efficiently.
  • Scalability: Should be designed to scale as the library grows.

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

  • Users have basic knowledge of computers and web browsing.
  • Reliable internet connection is available.
  • The system will be hosted on a secure server.

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 Book Management

  • Add Book:
    • Input: Title, Author, ISBN, Published Date, Category, Status.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated book list.
  • Update Book:
    • Input: Book ID, updated details.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated book details.
  • Delete Book:
    • Input: Book ID.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated book list.
  • Search Book:
    • Input: Search criteria (e.g., title, author, ISBN).
    • Output: List of books matching the criteria.

3.1.2 Member Management

  • Register Member:
    • Input: Name, Address, Email, Phone Number.
    • Output: Confirmation message and member ID.
  • Update Member:
    • Input: Member ID, updated details.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated member details.
  • Delete Member:
    • Input: Member ID.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated member list.
  • Search Member:
    • Input: Search criteria (e.g., name, email).
    • Output: List of members matching the criteria.

3.1.3 Transaction Management

  • Issue Book:
    • Input: Member ID, Book ID, Issue Date.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated transaction record.
  • Return Book:
    • Input: Transaction ID, Return Date.
    • Output: Confirmation message and updated transaction record.
  • View Transactions:
    • Input: Search criteria (e.g., member ID, book ID, date range).
    • Output: List of transactions matching the criteria.

3.1.4 Authentication

  • Login:
    • Input: Username, Password.
    • Output: Access to system functionalities based on user role.
  • Register:
    • Input: Username, Password, Role.
    • Output: Confirmation message and user account.

3.1.5 Reporting

  • Generate Report:
    • Input: Report type (e.g., book inventory, member activity, transactions).
    • Output: Downloadable report in PDF or Excel format.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Performance Requirements

  • The system should handle at least 100 concurrent users without performance degradation.
  • Response time for any action should not exceed 2 seconds under normal load.

3.2.2 Security Requirements

  • All data should be encrypted in transit and at rest.
  • User passwords must be hashed using a secure algorithm (e.g., bcrypt).
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure proper authorization.

3.2.3 Usability Requirements

  • The user interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Provide tooltips and help documentation for user assistance.

3.2.4 Reliability Requirements

  • The system should have an uptime of 99.9%.
  • Regular backups should be performed to prevent data loss.

3.2.5 Maintainability Requirements

  • Code should follow standard naming conventions and be well-documented.
  • The system should be modular to facilitate easy updates and maintenance.

3.2.6 Portability Requirements

  • The system should be deployable on any standard Java-based server.
  • The web application should be compatible with all major browsers.

4. Appendices

4.1 Appendix A: Glossary

  • Book ID: Unique identifier for a book.
  • Member ID: Unique identifier for a library member.
  • Transaction ID: Unique identifier for a book issue or return transaction.

4.2 Appendix B: Analysis Models

  • Use case diagrams
  • Entity-Relationship diagrams

4.3 Appendix C: References

  • API documentation for third-party services (if any).
  • Additional reading materials on library management systems.