
My personal dotfiles for hyprland tiling wm

Primary LanguageShell


My personal dotfiles for hyprland tiling wm

Get Started

Required packages

You need to have Chaoic-Aur configured

sudo pacman -S hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git swaybg wlogout rofi wl-clipboard grim slurp kitty brightnessctl pamixer dunst polkit-kde-agent
  • swaybg : Wallpaper support
  • rofi : App launcher
  • grim + slurp : Screenshot support
  • kitty : Terminal
  • dunst : Notification support
  • wlogout : Logout screen
  • pamixer : Audio volume control

Optional Packages

sudo pacman -S thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman gvfs fish
  • thunar : File Manager
  • fish : Shell (similar to bash but advanced)

Theme packages (Recommended)

sudo pacman -S lxappearance materia-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme

Use lxappearance to change theme after installing the themes


Install CascadiaCode font to fix missing icons in waybar


Open terminal and run following commands (Dont be lazy, type the commands instead of copy paste. otherwise I'm not responsible for any damage you may do to your system)

Install git if you dont have it installed

cd ~/
git clone "https://github.com/SuhasDissa/Dotfiles.git"
cd Dotfiles/
sh create_links.sh

After running above commands you will see a Dotfiles folder in you home directory ( do not delete it) Open the folder in your favourite text editor and edit the files to customize the configs. Changes will be applied automatically.