
It's Business Related Web Application (dynamic) developed using SPRING BOOT for the backend and THYMELEAF for the front-end and MySQL as a DataBase

Primary LanguageHTML

Business Management Web Application :

home (2)

Project Desc : Business Management Web Application

=> The Business Management Web Application is a comprehensive tool designed to help businesses manage various aspects of their operations. It provides a user-friendly interface for tasks like managing customer data, inventory, orders, and more.

Features :

  • Customer Management: Easily add, update, and delete customer information.
  • Inventory Management: Keep track of your inventory items, including stock levels and pricing.
  • Order Management: Manage customer orders such as order creation .
  • User Authentication: Secure login and authentication for admin and staff members.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Define roles and permissions for different user types.
  • Thymeleaf Templates: Utilizes Thymeleaf for dynamic HTML templates.
  • Database Integration: Integrated with MySQL for data storage.

Technologies Used :

  • Spring Boot: Backend framework for building Java-based web applications.
  • Thymeleaf: Server-side Java template engine for dynamic HTML generation.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system for data storage.
  • IDE/Tool : Spring Tool Suite 4 (Eclipse)

Installation :

  1. Clone the repository : $ git clone https://github.com/SuhasKamate/Business_Management_Project.git

  2. Import the project inside STS/Eclipse :

    • Open STS/Eclipse > file > import > maven > existing project > browse > finish .
  3. Make sure you are in the Business_Management_Project directory.


4.Configure the database connection is application.properties (check the Database section for more information).

5.Run the project (by running main method is BusinessProjectApplication.java) OR right clink on the project > Run As > Spring Boot App.

6.Open http://localhost:2330/home in any browser.

7.Now your tables will be created in the databse.

  • You have to add one admin data manually to login as admin, So add one admin data.

Database :

MySQL can be used as the database for this project. The database connection can be configured in the application.properties file, with the appropriate values for the following properties:

spring.datasource.name=[Your Database Name]
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/[Your Database Name]
spring.datasource.password=[Your password]
spring.datasource.username=[Your username]

WorkFlow :


Preview :


products (2)



Login Page






Exception page
