JavaScript Page Analytics

Learn event handling, element offset, data manipulation, timers, and lots of JavaScript/jQuery!


  1. Add a fixed button (use Bootstrap to make it look nice) that a user can click to view analytics about their browser viewing behavior.
  2. On the button click, the data collection must pause while the end user is viewing the analytics. Use a modal or a light-box to display the data. Make it look nice! Add another event to re-trigger the collection of data after the user is done viewing the analytics.
  3. You should display the following data:
  • Percentage of the page viewed
  • Total distance scrolled
  • Time before clicking the green "Sign Up" button
  • Time spent on page
  • Time spent on each section of the page

You should be able to add the script to any web page!

Stretch Goals

  1. Display the results in a chart or graph
  2. Add unit tests.
  3. Add a heat-map that visually shows how long a user spent looking at different parts of the page.