Crypto Exchanger

What we aim to achieve here?

Create a platform where users can exchange their USDC on the Optimism network for ARB tokens on the Arbitrum network. Our program will look for incoming USDC transactions to an address on Optimism, calculate the value of the deposit in ARB tokens (based on real-time exchange rates), and send the ARB tokens to the user on the Arbitrum network.

How To Get Started:

There are two ways to get this project up and running:

  1. Via Docker
  2. Via local node

  1. Via Docker

    To get started with this method:

    a. Make sure you have docker desktop up and running on

    b. In your terminal, just type docker-compose up

  2. Via local node

    To get started with this method, make sure you have postgresql up and running on port 5432

    a. Head over to the .env file and add the following lines

        # PGUSER=<your-user-name>
        # PGPASSWORD=<your-db-password>
        # PGDB=<your-db-name>
        # PGHOST=localhost

    Make sure to replace the variables with what you have setup locally

    b. Install all the dependencies using

        npm install

    c. Once installed, run

        npm start

    And the server would startup on port 3000

Where to send USDC on the optimism network?

Listener address - 0x123c058C58102a4eE0E24a3c7F0Cee2590e1c0f4

How to interact with the API endpoints?

Use Postman or VS Code's Thunderclient extension to interact with the endpoints

Make sure to append http://localhost:3000 before every API call!

The /database endpoints are private, and are only accessible to registered users

To register yourself,

  1. Make a POST request to /register route, in the request body, pass the following parameters:
  "username": "<your-username-of-minimum-length-5>",
  "password": "<your-password-of-minimum-length-8>"

If the username and password are valid, the validation here is performed using zod, and if the username is not already taken, you would receive a success message

NOTE: The password is hashed and stored in the database using argon2 library, so make sure to remember it!

  1. After registering, make a POST request to /login route, in the request body, pass the following parameters:
  "username": "<your-username>",
  "password": "<your-password>"

Upon successful, validation you would receive the following in the response

"data": {
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjdiOTVhYjJiLTg5MTgtNDFiZC05ZmE0LTE1NDVhNzU0YThjNiIsImlhdCI6MTcwNzc0NTc4MCwiZXhwIjoxNzA3NzQ5MzgwfQ.rTGNk3QqxzD4Yb8iMqjZKT4z5_ZN5WlOOvfQ1sBY11g"

This accessToken would be used to access the database.

This accessToken has an expiration time of 1 hour, after which you would have to login again to get another ``accessToken`.

  1. Once obtained, to access the /database endpoints, you would have to pass the accessToken in the request's Authorization header.

    Pass the value as Bearer <token-obtained> to the Authorization header.

    If the token has expired, user would be informed!

  2. The /database endpoint has a lot of routes for different SQL operations

    All endpoints listed here are only GET request methods

Click to expand to view all endpoints

a. /all - This endpoint returns all the transactions in the database.

b /top5 - This endpoint returns the top 5 transactions based on the USDC value received.

c. /top5?sender=<address> - Optionally, you could also attach a query parameter to the end to fetch the top 5 transactions made by a particular user based on the amount of USDC received

d. /lowest - This endpoint fetches the transaction made with the lowest amount of USDC

e. /highestArbPrice - This endpoint returns the highest price or ARB token in terms of USD value amongst all the transactions stored in the database.

f. /bySender?sender=<address> - This endpoint returns all the transactions made by this particular user

g. /byOutgoingHash?outgoingHash=<arb-received-hash> - This endpont takes in a transaction hash on the arbitrum network. This would return details about the entire transaction.

h. /byIncomingHash?incomingHash=<usdc-sent-hash> - This endpont takes in a transaction hash on the optimism network. This would return details about the entire transaction.

i. /byUsdcThreshold?threshold=<amount-of-usdc-in-wei> - This endpoint returns all transaction where the amount of USDC received is greater than the amount passed

j. /byDateRange?start=<date-in-MM/DD/YYYY>&end=<date-in-MM/DD/YYYY> - This endpoint returns all the transactions made between the given date range

k. /bySenderSum?sender=<address> - This endpoint takes in a user's address, and returns the total amount of USDC the user has sent to shift, and the amount of ARB tokens the user has received. All the values are in WEI.

l. /transactionCount - This endpoint returns the total number of transactions made till date.

m. /transactionCount?sender=<address> - This endpoint returns the number of transactions made by this partcular address.

n. /feeCollected - This endpoint returns the total amount of fee collected in USDC on the optimism network.

o. /feeCollected?sender=<address> - This endpoint returns the total amount of fee collected in USDC on the optimism network by a particular user.

p. /feeCollected?date=<date-in-MM/DD/YYYY> - This endpoint returns the total amount of fee collected in USDC on the optimism network on a particular date.

q. /feeCollected?sender=<address>&date=<date-in-MM/DD/YYYY> - This endpoint returns the total amount of fee collected in USDC on the optimism network by a particular user on a particular date.

r. /average/arb - This endpoint returns the average price of the ARB tokens in USD fetched from coingecko.

s. /average/fee - This endpoint returns the average fee that is collected on each transaction in USDC

t. /topSenders/:limit - This endpoint returns a list of users and the amount of USDC sent in a ranked order. You have to set the limit of users returned.



This application is built using Node.js and Express.js for the server, and PostgreSQL for the database.

The application is built using TypeScript and the code is linted using eslint and prettier.

The RPC calls to the Optimism and Arbitrum networks are made using ethers.js library, and the Alchemy RPC is used to interact with the networks.

CoinGecko API is used to fetch the price of the ARB token in USD.

When the application starts, we first find the latest block in our database if there were any transactions, if not we start from the genesis block of this application i.e, from when we started accepting transactions.

Once we have the latest block, we fetch all ERC20 Transfer events from the USDC contract on the Optimism network from the last fetched block to the current block.

We then filter out the transactions that were sent to our listening address, make sure that the transaction has not been processed before, and then process the transaction.

Here, we fetch the price of the ARB token in USD when the user had sent the transaction from CoinGecko, calculate the fee, and the amount of ARB tokens the user would receive in return.

We maintain a queue of transactions to be processed, and we process them one by one. If we send simultaneous requests to the Arbitrum network, we would get a nonce too low or transaction replacement underpriced error, so we process the transactions one by one.

Once the transaction has been processed, we store the transaction details in the database.

Now since this application is using the free version of CoinGecko API, we are very prone to getting rate limited. So, if a transaction fails, we store the details of the transaction in a separate table in the database, and we have a cron job that runs every 2 minutes to process these transactions.

Lastly, we have a listener on the USDC contract on the Optimism network, we listen to all the events emitted, and when we come across an event where our LISTENING_ADDRESS is the recipient, we store the event in the queue to be processed.

State Diagram

Attached below is the state diagram of the entire process


This application has two main functions for performing math,

  1. /src/helper/calculateOnePercent.ts - This function takes in the amount of USDC received, and returns 1% of the amount in USDC as fee.

  2. /src/helper/calculateAmount.ts - This function takes in the amount of USDC received (after deduction of fee), and returns the amount of ARB tokens the user would receive in return.

To test these functions using Jest, run the following command in the terminal

    npm run test


This application uses eslint and prettier for linting and formatting the code.

To run the linting, run the following command in the terminal

    npm run lint

To fix the linting errors, run the following command in the terminal

    npm run lint:fix

To format the code using prettier, run the following command in the terminal

    npm run format