
Custom Launcher for Aliens vs. Predator 2 Primal Hunt

Primary LanguageC#

Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt - Custom Launcher

A custom launcher for Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt, written in C# (with elements of C++ and ASM)


  • Contains all of the main features of original launcher (except a host server option).
  • Allows to easily enable and disable Windowed Mode.
  • Supports custom screen resolutions.
  • Built in aspect ratio hack for easy access to widescreen resolutions.
  • Built in FOV changer, tied directly to aspect ratio hack (calculated as the most common Horizontal+ FOV).



Patch the game if you haven't already. Download the program from releases page. Copy it to AVP2 directory. To get rid of annoying question from Windows about download files, right click on AVP_CustomLauncher.exe, and choose Properties. In the General tab, click Unlock.

Note: For the program to work properly, Administrator rights may be required (especially for Widescreen hack). You can set it in Compatibility Options.

Note 2: For running the game on resolutions wider than 2048px you'll need "special" D3DIM700.DLL by jackfuste. It can be found in Over2048pxFix directory. Just move it to main directory and hope it works (cause sometimes it seems it doesn't).

Note 3: While it may be surprising some some people, I have not tested the launcher with multiplayer. With the master servers being dead for a long time and projects to restore them having suspecious files (says the one, who literally injects DLLs into memory), for me, it's dead.


  • SuicideMachine
  • evolution536 - who wrote the DLL injector class
  • Cless - who wrote the trainer class