• run commands from https://docs.sui.io/devnet/build/install (Install Sui -> Linux prerequisites + Install Sui binaries):
    • sudo apt-get update
    • curl --version
    • sudo apt-get install git-all
    • sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
    • sudo apt-get install libclang-dev
    • cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git --branch devnet sui
  • run "npm run build"
  • (create account) run "sui client"
    • "doesn't exist, do you want to connect to a Sui Full node server" - y
    • "Sui Full node server URL" - https://fullnode.testnet.sui.io:443/
    • "Environment alias for [testnet]:" - testnet
    • "Select key scheme to generate keypair (0 for ed25519, 1 for secp256k1, 2: for secp256r1)" - 0
    • save address and Secret Recovery Phrase
    • run "sui client active-env" (must be "testnet")
  • (get tokens) run "sui client active-address"
  • (deploy)run "npm run deploy"
  • copy addresses from log and past into ./post-action-scripts/.env
  • run "cd ./post-action-scripts"
  • run "./create-user"
    • copy addresses from log and past into ./post-action-scripts/.env
    • USER
  • run "./create-community"
    • copy addresses from log and past into ./post-action-scripts/.env

new version sui:

  • run commant from 1 block ↑
  • run "npm run build"
  • run "npm run deploy" if error (Cannot open wallet config file at "/home/freitag/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml")
    • open /home/freitag/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml file
    • back to .sui folder
    • delete folder sui_config run command from block "(create account) run "sui client"" sui client...