
History at Bat with a Django Python backend and react frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Django + React boilerplate

This project is a starting boilerplate for a react frontend using webpack + babel with a django backend using django rest framework.

To install + startup the react frontend go into the reactpy folder:

cd reactpy

Then install the project's node dependencies:

npm install

Then startup webpack:

npm start

This will build a webpack bundle using the configuration file in reactpy/webpack.config.js. By default this creates a bundle.js file in reactpy/assets/bundles/bundle.js from source file reactpy/assets/js/index.js. Of course all of this is reconfigurable by editing the webpack settings and django-webpack-loader settings.

To install + run the django api, go into the reactpy folder:

cd reactpy

Then install the projects python dependencies (I recommend doing this in a virtualenv):

pip install -r requirements.txt

The Database is configured by setting the following environment variables (I also recommend doing this in a virual environment):

DB_NAME # database name
DB_USER # psql username
DB_PASS # psql password
DB_HOST # psql host

Run you migrations and setup your super user:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser

Now you're ready to run your django api and react project:

python manage.py runserver

All django backend files are located in reactpy/reactpy and reactpy/api