fitbit aria

Contains some informations about the serial port commands on the fitbit aria scale.

Serial port

UART on UART1 Baud: 115200 Data bits: 8 Stop bits: 1 Parity: None Pin out (standard TTL-232RG):

  1. GND
  2. CTS#
  3. VCC
  4. TXD
  5. RXD
  6. RTS#

Pin out (standard TTL-232RG):

  1. GND
  2. CTS#
  3. VCC
  4. TXD
  5. RXD
  6. RTS#



  • Do not use navigations keys (arrow keys) nor delete or backspace.
  • Commands results end with END.
  • Enter should process the latest commmand
  • Console may not work while the device is sleeping, you have to wake it up (the only know way I know it to step into it)


This documentation is based on manual tests and not by reverse engineering the firmware

  • fwver : Return the firmware version
  • hwrev : Return the hardware version?
  • deviceid : Return versions
  • bat : Return battery informations
  • lcdtext : Display text on the screen (case sensitive) Know character availables :
    • a = display a checkbox
    • -- = display ...
    • A-Z
    • 0-9
    • /
    • .
    • !
    • %
    • ?
    • (
    • )
  • lcdpat <hexa value from 0 up to FFFF> : Allow you to manually control some lcd segments
    • bit 1: display a "x" and refresh icon as well as the upper rounded bar (where pixels are alternatively on and off)
    • bit 2 to 7 display one line of the text line (2 is the top line and 7 is the bottom line; where pixels are alternatively on and off in the same line)
    • bit 8 Display the "wifi" icon, the no battery icon and the upper rounded bar (where pixels are alternatively on and off)
  • icon <0 from 16> specific led of the upper rounded bar to turn off. 0 hide the bar while 16 display it full
  • pbar <value between 0 up to 16> : Allow you to control the upper rounded bar (the bar use to display the progression when "thinking"). LCD will turn on from the left to right.
  • pwm <value from 0 to 10> : control the brightness of the screen getsn : Get serial number of the device getmac : Get the mac address setcolor : getcolor : setunits : getunits : weigh : return 2 weights The first one is probably the weight with the tare and unit managed while the second is the raw value. htcmd : send a raw command to the HT16C23 (lcd driver) scan : Scan wifi available