
NotionGPT, a practical tool built on top of ChatGPT large language model, make it your note-taking assistant!

Primary LanguagePython


NotionGPT, a practical tool built on top of ChatGPT large language model, make it your note-taking assistant!




  1. 通过官方API获取Notion笔记数据 (https://developers.notion.com/reference/intro)
  2. 使用SnowNLP进行中文分句(https://github.com/isnowfy/snownlp)
  3. 调用OPENAI的Emeddling API 进行句子Embedding (https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/embeddings)
  4. 使用Pinecone进行向量存储与查询
  5. 构造prompt
  6. 调用OPENAI的QA API 进行问题回答

Tech Stack

  1. Notion API: get_database_content & page_content

  2. SnowNLP: chinese sentence segmentation

  3. Pinecone: vectorDB- personal knowledge DB- upsert & query

  4. OpenAI: sentence embedding & prompt QA

  5. FastAPI: Frontend web UI

  6. Prompt Engineering: CoT(Chain of Thought), Search in chain, chain of keyword()


  1. Notion: data_base_id & auth_token

  2. Pinecone: pinecone api key & pinecone env_name (proxy needed)

  3. OpenAI: openai api key

  4. git clone https://github.com/Suiwan/notionGPT.git

  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Fill in code

  7. python webUI.py


  • Add function of updating notes to dababase
  • Better prompt engineering
  • Other QA LLM support
  • Local vector database
