
A tool to convert Delft3D FLOW Output *.DAT to *.nc using Matlab scripts powered by Docker Octave

Primary LanguageMATLAB




This project is mainly to free people who don't want to convert Delft3D FLOW Output using Matlab Software running the .m scripts. The working targets are trim.dat and trih*.dat generated as NEFIS structure from Delft3D software.

Tech stacks:

Tech stacks

For now the working codes are:

  1. vs_trim2nc.m
  2. vs_trih2nc.m
  3. slicedata.py

Changes made to the *.m files

See this commit

Setting up Docker Ubuntu environment

  • Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are created in such a way that you don't need to build environment by yourself, all you need is to run docker's command.
  • After cloning this repo, copy your desired *.dat and *.def model results from Delft3D Flow outputs into the root directory.
  • In your terminal simply run:
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose up # If images are cached
  • To enter docker container:
docker exec -it delft3d-octave-delft3d-octave-1 bash  # Attach to the container's terminal
root@7e8c9bfe1c7a:/usr/src/app# ls
root@7e8c9bfe1c7a:/usr/src/app# ./batch_convert.sh

Preparing environment on Window machine


  • wsl2 on window
  • Docker Desktop