Phone Service Menu Program

This is a simple C program that simulates a phone service menu. It allows users to perform various actions such as checking balance, changing language, viewing account info, and accessing different services offered by a telecom provider.

How to Use

  1. Compilation: Compile the program using a C compiler such as GCC.
gcc main.c -o phone_service_menu
  1. Execution: Run the compiled executable.
  1. Menu Navigation: Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate through the menu options and choose the desired action.

  2. Exiting: To exit the program, select option 0 from the menu.


  • Allows users to change language preference.
  • Provides information on balance, offers, account details, recharge options, and other services.
  • Simulates a simple interactive menu system.


  • This program is a basic demonstration and does not perform actual phone service actions.
  • It uses goto statements for menu navigation, which may not be considered good practice in larger or more complex programs.
  • Feel free to modify and extend the program according to your needs.