Building sketches from photographs

This is a simple project that builds pencil sketch like images from photographs.



About OpenCV

OpenCV stands for Open Source stands for Computer Vision, it is developed by Intel and Willow Garage, It is Officially launched in 1999 and later will Garage in 2000. OpenCV binds with Python to solve real-world problems. It supports languages like Python, Java, and MATLAB

The Opencv applications are as follows:

  1. Object detection
  2. Face Recognition
  3. Identify the objects
  4. Detecting Human activities
  5. Stitching the images to produce the highest resolution
  6. Recognize the scenery
  7. Recognizing images stored in the Database
  8. Remove Red Eye
  9. Follow the eye movement and many other real-time applications


Install Opencv-python

  pip install opencv-python


Import opencv

  import cv2

Read image

  img = cv2.imread("img_name.jpg")

Convert to gray-scale image

   imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Calculate per element bit-wise inversion of input

Makes brighter region into lighter and lighter into brighter in order to find edges of the image very easily

    imgInvert = cv2.bitwise_not(imgGray)

Gaussian Blur

Reduces noise of images and blurs to smoothen image with the specified Gaussian kernel

    imgSmoothing = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgInvert, (21, 21), sigmaX=0, sigmaY=0 )

Divide the grayscale image by the inverse of the blurred images

Remains the highlights of boldest edges

    def divideByInversion(x, y):
        return cv2.divide(x, 255 - y, scale = 256)

Final image

    finalImage = divideByInversion(imgGray, imgSmoothing)

Save image in your local drive default : in same directory of python script

    cv2.imwrite("finalimage.jpg", finalImage)

Show final image

    cv2.imshow("Sketch", finalImage)

Wait until any key is pressed


Destroy all windows of images after clicking any button


