TU Searchable Directory

Deployed at : http://nqbjqywexniaccq.bct.itclub.pp.ua/

Think of the TU Searchable Directory as a super helpful website. It’s like an online book that has all the details about the colleges and schools under Tribhuvan University. This includes information about the teachers and staff too. The cool thing is that you can use it anytime and anywhere because it works on your computer and even on your phone. Imagine you’re a student or someone who wants to know about the colleges and the people working there. Instead of searching through lots of papers, you can just go to this website and find all the info you need.

Setting up your project

1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Sujan-Koirala021/Re-TU-Searchable-Dir

2. Open the project directory.

3. Change directory to Frontend/TU-Searchable-Directory.

4. Open terminal/command prompt.

5. Run npm install in your terminal to install all dependencies.

6. Run ng serve to run the Angular frontend.

7. Go back to main directory of project and open Backend.

8. Run npm install in your terminal.

9. Run npm start to run the Node backend.

10. Finally, open your web browser and visit http://localhost:4200/ to see the project in action. You can also open specified port while running frontend.
