interactive typing game, written in c++

Primary LanguageC++


Small project done on C++ Borland compiler (sucks right) for a school investigatory project.

The ability to type quickly, accurately and without seeing at the keyboard is a huge advantage beside the nature of your work at computer system. Having good typing skills is essential in today’s society where almost everything is computer based and hence requires typing on a keyboard to input texts and messages frequently.

  1. Fast typing can save a lot of time at school and colleges when taking notes, writing assignments and chatting with friends online.
  2. If you like chatting and communication forums, typing fast will save you a lot of time and allow you to say more.
  3. For journalists, blogger and writers, skilled typing abilities will help you in your day to day job.

<\TypeFast> is a program that lets you practice your speed-typing skills and helps you get familiar with the QWERTY keyboard through a series of typing games.

An initial menu is displayed from which the user can choose to play the two games, view the leaderboard etc. If he chooses to play the Typing Tutor game, he will be taken level-wise, he will be prompted to enter the letters of the shown paragraph in sequence and the time he does this in, is calculated. When he enters the entire string correctly, the next menu is displayed from which he can either choose to add his score or view leaderboards for that level or go to the next level of the game. How to play the game, and about the game can all be viewed directly from the initial menu.

How to use:

  1. Download the entire folder as zip.
  2. Install Borland Compiler v5.0.2 provided in the "Borland Setup" folder.
  3. Open "typefast.exe" to test run the program as an executable.
  4. Open "typefast.cpp" to view the source code.
  5. Read "writeup.doc" to know more about functions used.
    P.S.- new commits and pushes are always welcome.

For the lazy folks (Click on the image below to go to the vedio):

Click to watch the demo vedio