
Plain Javascript Plugin to Crop Image instantly (without uploading to server)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Plain Javascript Plugin to Crop Image instantly (without uploading to server)

Code Example

var file = window.document.getElementById('file'),
    image = window.document.getElementById('img'),
    previewImage = window.document.getElementById('preview-img');

 * Using CropNow
var cropNow = new CropNow({
	file: file,
    image: img,
    previewImage: previewImage,
    ratio: {width: 1, height: 1},
    resize: {width: 400, height: 400},
    onCrop: function(base64String) {
    	console.log('Image Cropped. Base64 String: ', base64String);

 * Call "getBase64" method to get cropped base64 image URI string
var base64URI = cropNow.getBase64();


Params Type Description
file DOM Element file element from which image needs to be loaded
image DOM Element img element where cropping should happen
previewImage DOM Element img element for showing the preview image
ratio Object {width: 16, height: 9}
resize Object {width: 160, height: 90}
onCrop Function Will be invoked when crop event happens


var cropNow = new CropNow(params);
var croppedBase64String = cropNow.getBase64();
var croppedBlob = cropNow.getBlob();