Multi Asteroid Hazard Feature Prediction


This GitHub repository hosts a collection of Jupyter Notebooks and visualizations dedicated to the analysis and prediction of asteroid hazards. The primary objectives of this project include data cleaning, hazard classification, and orbit clustering of asteroids. The tools and methodologies employed in the notebooks aim to provide insights into potential asteroid hazards and contribute to our understanding of their characteristics.

Project Structure

1. code Directory

This directory contains the Jupyter Notebooks responsible for various aspects of the project.

a. Asteroid_Hazard_Classification.ipynb

This notebook focuses on the classification of asteroid hazards. It likely contains code related to machine learning models, feature extraction, and evaluation metrics for hazard prediction.

b. Data_Cleaning_Asteroid_Features.ipynb

The data cleaning process is crucial for accurate analysis. This notebook should cover the steps taken to clean and preprocess the asteroid features data.

c. Hazard_Classification.ipynb

Building on the first notebook, this one might delve deeper into the hazard classification process. It could include more advanced models, parameter tuning, and additional visualizations.

d. Orbit_Clustering.ipynb

Orbit clustering is a significant aspect of the project. This notebook is likely dedicated to grouping asteroids based on their orbits. Expect to find clustering algorithms, visualizations, and interpretations.

2. result Directory

This directory contains visualizations and results obtained from the analysis.

a. Hazard Classification

  • hazard accuracy.png: Visualization depicting the accuracy of hazard classification. This can provide a quick overview of the model's performance.
  • hazard cf.png: Confusion matrix visualizing the classification results. It helps to understand false positives, false negatives, etc.

b. Orbit Clustering

  • 2D.png: A 2D visualization of asteroid orbits after clustering. This can offer insights into the spatial distribution of different asteroid groups.
  • 3D.png: A 3D visualization for a more comprehensive understanding of the orbit clustering results.

Getting Started

To run the notebooks and replicate the analysis:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the code directory and open the Jupyter Notebooks using a Jupyter-compatible environment.

  3. Follow the instructions within each notebook to execute the code and reproduce the analysis.


Ensure you have the following dependencies installed before running the notebooks:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Scikit-learn Install any missing dependencies using pip install .


If you find issues, have suggestions, or would like to contribute, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated!

Feel free to explore, contribute, and enhance our understanding of asteroid hazards!