- 0
Ray Wrapper to be an independent lib
#162 opened by Suke0811 - 0
- 0
LiteOperator Class
#132 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Arduino, ESP, STM farmware for REMS
#129 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Matplotlib 3.6.0 backend bug
#128 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Different Joystick names for Windows and Linux
#159 opened by Suke0811 - 1
SCALER Implementation
#130 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Restructure the System for devices
#158 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Poetry for dependency handling
#145 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Note: Cloud GPU
#146 opened by Suke0811 - 0
standard keys (replacing
#154 opened by Suke0811 - 1
- 1
DefDict to base off of Pandas Dataframe
#124 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Pybind vectorization issues
#157 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Note: thread error to pass back to the main
#155 opened by Suke0811 - 1
- 1
Flatten or simplify the directory structures
#144 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Setting Feed Mechanisms
#151 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Output system add dumping mechanisms for long run
#150 opened by Suke0811 - 0
- 0
- 0
Robot definition merger class
#143 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Graph outputs (Ver. 1)
#106 opened by Suke0811 - 0
ProcessSystem in a robot
#140 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Graph related output system to use units.
#139 opened by Suke0811 - 0
- 0
System wide Output system
#137 opened by Suke0811 - 0
UnitType: Percent
#136 opened by Suke0811 - 0
UnitType: generic custom unit conversion rules
#135 opened by Suke0811 - 0
AnimationOutput: Margin for plot
#134 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Webots Multi agent bug in Windows
#133 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Joystick Unique ID
#131 opened by Suke0811 - 0
OutputSystem: Run on its own process
#122 opened by Suke0811 - 2
Pip install
#125 opened by Suke0811 - 0
DefDict Matrix Support improvement
#97 opened by Suke0811 - 0
RayWrappper to check if items are serializable
#99 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Graph Outputs Ver 2
#107 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Websocket Device through wifi router
#110 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Keyboard input: not quiting properly
#120 opened by Suke0811 - 0
- 2
- 2
Wifi Device to support other operation system
#98 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Robot Clock for realtime case behavior change
#114 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Device handling: Add option to share remote/local instance of the device accross the robot
#104 opened by Suke0811 - 0
AnimationOutput: GIF for high frequency (250Hz) is too heavy to play at real time
#121 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Ray Death with ArucoDevice on Windows after ~20s
#105 opened by Suke0811 - 0
DefDict: unit and range
#101 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Webots update for lidar
#117 opened by Suke0811 - 0
Voltage monitoring for Dynamixel
#109 opened by Suke0811 - 1
Matplotlib Issues saving mp4 on Windows
#94 opened by Suke0811