Seniors Spring Intensive Deliverable Proposal

Dates 3/16-3/25

My Name: Sukhrob Golibboev

Project Name: Self Parking Car Simulation

Is your project New or Old? - Old Porject

Is your project Solo or Team? - Team Project


The project is self parking car simulation built using pygame and trained using reinforcement learning with deep learning. In this project Sam and I are working on improving the performance of existing model and have better results. The following objectives reflects the steps we are going to take in order to meet the requirements.

Objective 1: Retool reward structure to better train the model.

Why do you want to meet this objective? How will it improve your project?

  • Currently, we have simple version of reward system. Model trains faster, and gets the target result. Improved reward system can give much better insights to model, so it does not have to run over 2-4 hours to park the car.

How will you demonstrate completion of your objective?

  • Link to github commits.

Objective 2: Testing/Comparing different type of model architectures.

Why do you want to meet this objective? How will it improve your project?

  • Compare deep/narrow vs wide/shallow model. It can improve the run time and accuracy of the model if we choose right arcitectural for neural network.

How will you demonstrate completion of your objective?

  • Link to github commits. Create a metrics to evalaute the different models.

Objective 3: Headless training - no visual training.

Why do you want to meet this objective? How will it improve your project?

  • Since, displaying the parking lot environment takes time during training, with headless training we can let the model do the math on the background. How will you demonstrate completion of your objective?
  • Link to github

Stretch goals (optional):

What stretch goals do you have for your project?


You must meet the following criteria in order to pass the intensive:

  • Students must get proposal approved before starting the project to pass
  • SOLO
    • Must score an average above a 3 on the rubric
  • TEAM
    • Must score an average above 3 on the rubric
    • Each individual completes 2 of the 3 objectives from their proposal
  • Pitch your product

Approval Checklist

  • If I have a team project, I wrote this proposal to represent my work and only my work
  • I have completed all the necessary parts of this proposal
  • I linked my proposal in the Spring Intensive Tracker

Sign off

Student Name:

Sukhrobjon Golibboev Date: 03/17/2020

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