
An oh-my-zsh plugin that configures proxy environment variables based on macOS's system preferences automatically

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🔩 An oh-my-zsh plugin that configures proxy environment variables based on macOS's system preferences automatically.



  1. Clone this repository into $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins (by default ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins)
git clone https://github.com/sukkaw/zsh-osx-autoproxy ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-osx-autoproxy
  1. Add the plugin to the list of plugins for oh-my-zsh to load (inside ~/.zshrc):
  1. Start a new terminal session.


Antigen is a zsh plugin manager, and it support oh-my-zsh plugin as well. You only need to add antigen bundle sukkaw/zsh-osx-autoproxy to your .zshrc with your other bundle commands if you are using Antigen. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running zsh with antigen bundle sukkaw/zsh-osx-autoproxy for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.


After install the plugin and have proxy configured in System Prefrences, start a new terminal session and following environment variables will be set (if applicable):

  • http_proxy
  • https_proxy
  • ftp_proxy
  • all_proxy


If you install zsh-osx-autoproxy with Antigen, you need to remove antigen bundle sukkaw/zsh-osx-autoproxy to disable the plugin. If you install zsh-osx-autoproxy with oh-myzsh, you need to remove zsh-osx-autoproxy item from plugin array, then rm -rf ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-osx-autoproxy to remove the plugin.


zsh-osx-autoproxy © Sukka, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Sukka with help from contributors (list).

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