
A package build system for Slackware®

Primary LanguageShell

# README.startkit
# getting started with slackmatic
# wcm, 2007.04.17 - 2007.06.12
# ===

What is This?

This is the slackmatic-startkit, a kit to perform a first-time
installation of the slackmatic build system within a Slackware
(and compatible) host environment.  Everything else you need is
included in this kit.


1) Unpack the slackmatic-startkit archive:

  $ tar -xzvf slackmatic-startkit-0.91.tar.gz

2) Change into the slackmatic-startkit directory created above:

  $ cd slackmatic-startkit-0.91

3) Obtain root permission (su|sudo|login) and run the install.sh script:

  # ./install.sh

4) All done!  The slackmatic build system is now installed on your

What Just Happened?

The install.sh script results in the installation of four
packages on your Slackware system.  The sequence of events is:

 * install the current rc shell package (included)
 * build and install the slackmatic package from current port
 * build and install the fakeroot package from current port
 * build and install the httpup package from current port

See the simple install.sh script for all the details.

What Next?

Read the documentation at the www.slackmatic.org website.
Sync your system to the port repositories of interest, then
start building and installing new software!

Some Notes:

 * the rc_static package includes the statically-linked binary
installed in /bin/rc as required by all the slackmatic scripts

 * although not strictly required, the fakeroot package is now
integrated within slackmat-build and its use is highly recommended
(run slackmat-build as a non-root user to avoid accidental file

 * httpup is the utility used by slackmat-sync to update a
system with distributed port repositories

 * this archive includes the sources for the fakeroot and
httpup ports

### EOF