Various UI implementations, animations & effects based on Material Design compatible with pre Lollipop devices as well. (Work in progess)
- 0
When I select next item's position, it's background blinks to another color and then start evaluating from primary color to destination color
#21 opened by foxtrotdev - 0
#20 opened by KellzCodes - 1
Gradle build fail
#19 opened by hiteshsahu - 7
- 2
How To make the list items Clickable
#18 opened by mamakar333 - 1
TabLayout onclick does not change the page
#17 opened by arushijain45 - 1
No start nav drawer
#16 opened by Andreysds - 7
Can't import and build
#9 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 4
NullPointer on Nexus7 w/Android 4.4.4
#10 opened by keithentzeroth - 1
Does it not work with AppCompat 23?
#15 opened by razi429 - 1
hide toolbar and remain tabStrip
#14 opened by MohsenShafiee - 3
how to scroll viewpager with its tab ?
#13 opened by engr-erum - 1
Reveal Animation Not Working on Lollipop 5.0.1
#11 opened by azfaarks - 2
#7 opened by mishkaowner - 3
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How rise method from purpose fragment #3
#6 opened by Radzhab - 3
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- 1
activity_nav_drawer.xml missing
#1 opened by markbratanov