Here is an example for analysis using SQL.
SQL is widely used for accessing database and querying.
Python is an integrated and general purpose programming language so we can use both of them in one by help of a few packages.
Steps Of Analysis :
Step 0 : Installing desired packages and tools.
Step 1 : Connecting database with Python.
Step 2 : First look to dataset and basic visualizations.
Step 3 : With multiple tables, intersecting them by "JOIN" clause.
Step 4 : After query, if any special case, focusing on the reasons by statistical testing,visualizing etc.
For this analysis, we used football ligues dataset. It can be reachable from Kaggle.
By the way,there are lots of courses that even do not do this type of analysis.
We just trying to perform some filters, some merging operations and renaming group by operations.
Query lists the results in desired format.