
This project is yet another URL-shortener written as a test assignment

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build Status

Miles short


This project is yet another URL-shortener written as a test assignment.

The name of the project playfully reflects its purpose (to make any URL 'only' miles short) and also is a tribute to the Bujold's character Miles Vorkosigan, which is a very energetic persona, but, as the URLs after the application's done with it, is quite short and perhaps a little ugly.

Installation and Launching

This application is a rather simple application of Dropwizard Java Framework which produces just one jar. To install it from sources (and I currently don't provider binaries), you just have to clone the stable version from the repository (that being 0.3.0 currently) and build it with generic Maven:

git clone git@github.com:Sulion/miles-short.git
cd ./miles-short
git checkout tags/v0.3.0
mvn clean install

Maven build script will generate fat jar file named miles-short.jar which is almost all you need to start an application:

mkdir -p ./runtime && java -jar target/miles-short.jar server config.yml

The default port is 8080 for business URLs and 8081 for administrative ones (you may find metrics and healthcheck there). The directory ./runtime is intended for persistens storage of application data, such as registered URLs and accounts. You may symlink other directory instead with the same link name.

You may also customize ports, persistent DB location and returned in /register REST method base address by editing config.yml. The example of such configuration is below:

   - type: http
	 port: 9090
   - type: http
	 port: 8091
  level: INFO
  ru.sulion.web-applications: DEBUG
httpUrl: https://miles-short.herokuapp.com:8080
dbFileName: ./otherLocation/otherdbname.db


Opening of accounts

URI /account
Request type application/json
Request Body

JSON object with the following parameters:

AccountId (String, mandatory, length is less than or equals 200 characters: no overflow in my house)

Example: { "AccountId" : "myAccountId"}

Reponse Type application/json
Response We distinguish the successful from the unsuccessful registration. Unsuccessful registration occurs only if the concerned account ID already exists. The parameters are as follows:
  • success: true | false
  • description: Description of status, for example: account with that ID already exists
  • password: Returns only if the account was successfully created.
Automatically generated password length of 8 alphanumeric characters. Example {"success": "true", "description": "Your account is opened", "password": "xC345Fc0"}

Registration of URLs

URI /register
Request type application/json
Request Headers Authorization header with Basic authentication token
Request BodyJSON object with the following parameters:
  • url (mandatory, url that needs shortening)
  • redirectType : 301 | 302 (not mandatory, default 302)
Example: { "url": "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1567929/website-safe-dataaccess-architecture-question?rq=1", "redirectType" : 301 }
Reponse Type application/json
ResponseResponse parameters in case of successful registration are as follows:
  • shortUrl (shortened URL)
Example: { "shortUrl": "http://short.com/xYswlE" }

Retrieval of statistics

HTTP metod GET
URI /statistic/{AccountId}
It's kinda obvious, but {AccountId} is constrained the same as the original value which is supposed to be given here: no more than 200 characters.
Request Headers Set Authorization header and authenticate user
Reponse Type application/json
Response The server responds with a JSON object, key:value map, where the key eis the registered URL, and the value is the number of this URL redirects.
"http://myweb.com/someverylongurl/thensomedirectory/": 10,
"http://myweb.com/someverylongurl2/thensomedirectory2/": 4,
"http://myweb.com/someverylongurl3/thensomedirectory3/": 91,

Redirection itself

This is fairly simple, just query the url which /register method has given you.