
Hi CS 224W staff! Thank you for taking the time to look at our project.
To start, make sure you have Miniconda installed.
Then, run . ./ to set up the conda environment.
Next, run python --show --model=gnn --env=greedy

If you see something like this, you're good to go!


For our final CS 224W project, we wanted to use graph neural networks with reinforcement learning. The game of — in which circular blobs compete to grow the largest by consuming pellets and each other — seemed a perfect application. To make the game easier to learn, we made several modifications to the original game:

  • restricted the move space to 5 possible actions: no-op, up, down, left, and right
  • removed the split and eject actions
  • shrunk the map size
  • reduced the number of players to 1-4
  • reduced the number of pellets to 10
  • reduced frame rate to 10 fps

With these modifications and using REINFORCE for training, we were able to train an MLP model to perform comparably to a greedy agent in the pellet collection environment, but results with our Heterogenous GNN were far less promising. Potential future improvements may include:

  • parallelizing episodes to stabilize training
  • using more powerful reinforcement learning algorithms (e.g., Actor-Critic, DQN, PPO, etc)
  • filtering graph edges based on distance or via pooling
  • allowing the GNN to learn node and edge features
  • incorporating attention (either learned or proportional to 1/dist)

Unfortunately, we weren't able to explore these during the project. The sequential and time-intensive nature of RL training made experimentation difficult.

For more details about the project and its results, check out (TODO: link medium article)

To train the GNN model yourself in a self-learning environment, run python --train --model=gnn --env=sel --episodes=1000000. To view the model's progress, run tensorboard --logdir=runs and open up the provided local address in any browser.

Repository Guide

Everything in this repository can be controlled using

  • to train a model, run python --train <arguments>
  • to test an agent, run python --test <arguments>
  • to display an agent for one episode, run python --show <arguments>

Command Line Arguments

  • --env=['pellet', 'greedy', 'self'], required: the type of simple agar environment to run in
    • 'pellet': collect as many pellets as possible without competition from other players
    • 'greedy': fight to consume pellets and survive against greedy opponents that always move toward the closest pellet
    • 'self': control all agents simultaneously in this multi-agent self-learning environment
  • --agent=['learning', 'greedy', 'random'], optional (default: 'learning'): the type of agent to run
  • --model=['mlp', 'gnn'], optional, the type of model used by a learning agent
  • --episodes, optional (default: 10000000), the number of episodes to run for training or testing
  • --k_pellet, optional (default: -1), the maximum number of pellet locations and masses provided as input to the mlp model
  • --k_player, optional (default: -1), the maximum number of player locations and masses provided as input to the mlp model

Files and Directories

  • simple_agar:
    • envs contains the base gymnasium environment and endpoints used to make experimental environments
    • wrapper contains environment wrappers
    • agents contains baseline agents and learning agent
  • models contains the MLP and GNN models used to train the learning agent
  • contains constants used throughout the repository
  • contains methods used to train the models