Rancid Tomatillos Rancid Tomatillos Logo

🔖 Description

Welcome to Rancid Tomatillos, your go-to platform for all things cinema! Browse our extensive library of movies, delve into detailed information on each film, and even watch trailers. Use the search feature to find movies that pique your interest, or filter films based on ratings to discover hidden gems.

👁️‍🗨️ Preview of App

Rancid Tomatillos

🌐 Live Demo

Open the app here

🧱 Technologies Used

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Node.js Git React Cypress

🕹️ Installation & Setup

  • Clone this repository to your local machine using the command: git clone git@github.com:Sulton88Mehron90/rancid-tomatillos-denzel-parvin.git
  • Run the command: cd rancid-tomatillos
  • Run the command: npm install
  • Run the command: npm start

🌱 Learning Goals

The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

React Fundamentals

  • Gain a strong competency in React fundamentals and apply these skills to create an effective, functional, and user-friendly application.

Testing with Cypress

  • Achieve proficiency in writing reliable tests for React components and asynchronous JavaScript functions using Cypress for end-to-end testing.

Code Refactoring and Quality

  • Engage in regular code refactoring exercises to improve code quality, readability, maintainability, and overall performance.

Multi-Page User Interface

  • Utilize React Router to design a multi-page user experience with seamless navigation, dynamic routing, and conditional rendering.

API Integration and Data Handling

  • Learn to integrate APIs to fetch data, handle network requests efficiently, manage state, and implement error-handling mechanisms.

🤝🏼 Contributors

Denzel Turambi LinkedIn || GitHub
GitHub Avatar
Parvin A. Sattorova LinkedIn || GitHub
GitHub Avatar

✨ Context, Wins, and Challenges


Embarking on this collaborative venture to create this application was both thrilling and educational. Utilizing React, we laid the groundwork for an interactive and dynamic UI. JavaScript enabled us to introduce complex functionalities, making the app not just visually appealing but also functional.

HTML and CSS served as the building blocks for our app's sleek design and intuitive user experience. Their synergistic power contributed to the creation of an application that is both visually stunning and user-friendly.

The integration of Cypress, an industry-standard testing framework, ensured that our application meets quality benchmarks. This enabled us to automate tests, guaranteeing that the app performs optimally across various browsers and devices.

Red Tomato Logo Major Wins

  • One of the most significant achievements was the effective teamwork. Our combined skills and effective communication facilitated a smooth development process, culminating in an application that not only meets but exceeds user expectations.
  • Achieved a visually pleasing design for the app.
  • Successfully implemented search and dynamic trailer fetching for each movie.

Red Tomato Logo Challenges

  • Conducting end-to-end testing using Cypress posed some hurdles.
  • Implementing robust error handling was a complex but necessary part of the project.