ResearchToken and ResearchProject



The ResearchToken (RCH) and ResearchProject smart contracts facilitate blockchain-based funding for research initiatives. The ResearchToken is an ERC20 token used as the currency for contributions, while ResearchProject enables users to create, fund, and manage research projects securely and transparently.

Project Flow:

  1. Deploy ResearchToken

    • Initial supply of 1,000,000 RCH tokens assigned to the owner.
  2. Create ResearchProject

    • Owner sets up new research projects specifying the name and funding goal.
  3. Fund Projects

    • Users fund projects by transferring RCH tokens to the contract.
  4. Claim Rewards

    • Researchers claim funds if the project meets its funding goal and is marked as completed.

Contract Addresses

  • ResearchToken Contract Address: 0x4eed71f31366c3723a6cbae74fbc75d5030ba1b7
  • image

##Features Transfer: Allows users to send tokens to other addresses. Approve and TransferFrom: Supports delegation of token transfers, enabling third parties to spend tokens on behalf of the owner.

##Vision The ResearchToken (RCH) and ResearchProject contracts leverage blockchain technology to deliver a transparent, secure, and efficient platform for managing and funding research initiatives, transforming the way research is supported and tracked.

Future Scope

  • Project Enhancements: Introduce features for milestone tracking and project updates.
  • Governance: Implement decentralized governance for better project oversight.
  • Scalability: Optimize contracts for lower gas costs and improved efficiency.

Contact Information

For inquiries and support, please contact: