
This repository contains the solutions for assignments of Web Technology(WT) given by SPPU(2019-Pattern)

Primary LanguagePHP


This repository contains the assignments💻 of Web Technology provided by Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU)🎓


Before coding of the website, planning is important, students should visit different websites for the different client projects and note down the evaluation results for these websites, either good website or bad website in following format:

  1. Sr. No.
  2. Website URL
  3. Purpose of website
  4. Things liked in the website
  5. Things disliked in the website
  6. Overall Evaluation


Implement a web page index.htm for any client website using following:

  1. HTML syntax: heading tags, basic tags and attributes, frames, tables, images, lists, links for text and images, forms etc.
  2. Use of Internal CSS, Inline CSS, External CSS


Design the XML document to store the information of the employees of any business organization and demonstrate the use of:

  1. DTD
  2. XML Schema

And display the content in (e.g., tabular format) by using CSS/XSL.


Implement an application in Java Script using following:

  1. Design UI of application using HTML, CSS etc.
  2. Include Java script validation
  3. Use of prompt and alert window using Java Script


Implement the sample program demonstrating the use of Servlet.


Implement the program demonstrating the use of JSP.


Build a dynamic web application using PHP and MySQL.


Design a login page with entries for name, mobile number email id and login button. Use struts and perform following validations

  1. Validation for correct names
  2. Validation for mobile numbers
  3. Validation for email id
  4. Validation if no entered any value
  5. Re-display for wrongly entered values with message
  6. Congratulations and welcome page upon successful entries


Design an application using Angular JS.


Design and implement a business interface with necessary business logic for any web application using EJB.