
Springboot, Angular and JWT security - Example Project based on Northwind Order Processing

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Angular 2+ Frontent with SpringBoot (Java) Backend

Application to demonstrate various parts of a service oriented RESTfull application.

Technology Stack

Component Technology
Frontend Angular 4+
Backend (REST) SpringBoot (Java)
Security Token Based (Spring Security and JWT )
REST Documentation Swagger UI / Springfox and ReDoc
REST Spec Open API Standard
In Memory DB H2
Persistence JPA (Using Spring Data)
Client Build Tools angular-cli, Webpack, npm
Server Build Tools Maven(Java) or Gradle

Folder Structure

│  README.md
│  pom.xml           
│  build.gradle
│  └──[main]      
│     └──[java]      
│     └──[resources]
│        │  application.properties #contains springboot cofigurations
│        │  schema.sql  # Contains DB Script to create tables that executes during the App Startup          
│        │  data.sql    # Contains DB Script to Insert data that executes during the App Startup (after schema.sql)
│        └──[public]    # keep all html,css etc, resources that needs to be exposed to user without security
└──[target]              #Java build files, auto-created after running java build: mvn install
│  └──[classes]
│     └──[public]
│     └──[webui]         #webui folder is created by (maven/gradle) which copies webui/dist folder #the application.properties file list webui as a resource folder that means files can be accesses http://localhost/<files_inside_webui> 
   │  package.json     
   │  angular-cli.json   #ng build configurations)
   └──[src]              #frontend source files
   └──[dist]             #frontend build files, auto-created after running angular build: ng -build


Ensure you have this installed before proceeding further

  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.3.9+ or Gradle 3.3+
  • Node 6.0 or above,
  • npm 4 or above,
  • Angular-cli


This is an RESTfull implementation of an order processing app based on Northwind database schema from Microsoft. The goal of the project is to

  • Highlight techniques of making and securing a REST full app using SpringBoot
  • How to consume an RESTfull service and make an HTML5 based Single Page App using Angular 4+

Features of the Project

  • Backend

    • Token Based Security (using Spring security)
    • API documentation and Live Try-out links with Swagger
    • In Memory DB with H2
    • Using JPA and JDBC template to talk to relational database
    • How to request and respond for paginated data
  • Frontend

    • Organizing Components, Services, Directives, Pages etc in an Angular App
    • How to chain RxJS Observables (by making sequntial AJAX request- its different that how you do with promises)
    • Techniques to Lazy load Data (Infinite Scroll)
    • Techniques to load large data set in a data-table but still keeping DOM footprint less
    • Routing and guarding pages that needs authentication
    • Basic visulaization
  • Build

    • How to build all in one app that includes (database, sample data, RESTfull API, Auto generated API Docs, frontend and security)
    • Portable app, Ideal for dockers, cloud hosting.

In Memory DB (H2)

I have included an in-memory database for the application. Database schema and sample data for the app is created everytime the app starts, and gets destroyed after the app stops, so the changes made to to the database are persistent only as long as the app is running
Creation of database schema and data are done using sql scripts that Springs runs automatically. To modify the database schema or the data you can modify schema.sql and data.sql which can be found at /src/main/resources

Spring security

Security is enabled by default, to disable, you must comment this line in src/main/java/com/config/SecurityConfig.java
When security is enabled, none of the REST API will be accessesble directly.

To test security access http://localhost:9119/version API and you should get a forbidden/Access denied error. In order to access these secured API you must first obtain a token. Tokens can be obtained by passing a valid userid/password

userid and password are stored in H2 database. To add/remove users, modify the data.sql couple of valid users and their passwords are demo\demo and admin\admin

To get a token call POST /session API with a valid userid and password. for example you may you can use the folliwing curl command to get a token

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "username":"demo", "password":"demo" }' 'http://localhost:9119/session'

the above curl command will return you a token, which should be in the format of xxx.xxx.xxx. This is a JSON web token format. You can decode and validate this token at jwt.io wesite. Just paste the token there and decode the information. to validate the token you should provide the secret key which is mrin that i am using in this app.
after receiving this token you must provide the token in the request-header of every API request. For instance try the GET /version api using the below curl command (replace xxx.xxx.xxx with the token that you received in above command) and you should be able to access the API.

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: xxx.xxx.xxx' 'http://localhost:9119/version'

As of this writing the Angular Frontend is adapted to make it work WITHOUT the security. If you enable the security you must update the frontend to store and send the security token with evry API request

Install Frontend

# Navigate to PROJECT_FOLDER/webui (should cntain package.json )
npm install
# build the project (this will put the files under dist folder)
ng build -prod --aot=false

Install Backend (SpringBoot Java)

# Gradle Build : Navigate to the root folder where build.gradle is present 
gradle build


# Maven Build : Navigate to the root folder where pom.xml is present 
mvn clean install

Start the API and WebUI server

# Start the server (9119)
# port and other configurations for API servere is in [./src/main/resources/application.properties](/src/main/resources/application.properties) file

# If you build with gradle jar location will be 
java -jar ./build/libs/app-1.0.0.jar

# If you build with maven jar location will be 
java -jar ./target/app-1.0.0.jar

Accessing Application

Cpmponent URL Credentials
Frontend http://localhost:9119 demo/demo
H2 Database http://localhost:9119/h2-console Driver:org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL:jdbc:h2:mem:demo
User Name:sa
Swagger (API Ref) http://localhost:9119/swagger-ui.html
Redoc (API Ref) http://localhost:9119/redoc/index.html

To get an authentication token

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"username": "demo", "password": "demo" }' 'http://localhost:9119/session'

or POST the username and password to http://localhost:9119/session

after you get the authentication token you must provide this in the header for all the protected urls

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: [replace this with token ]' 'http://localhost:9119/version'




Dashboard - Order Stats


Dashboard - Product Stats




Orders Details




API Docs - With Live Tryout


API Docs - For redability


Database Schema

ER Diagram