
This app uses JavaScript with the Electron framework along with usual HTML5 CSS3. It also uses the blend of styling with Materialize CSS library and Bootstrap. It is a list app which could be used as a todo, task list, shopping list or any other errand list application. Custom Icon is set while rendering the application and with a few changes, could be published and deployed for use.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app uses JavaScript with the Electron framework along with usual HTML5 CSS3. It also uses the blend of styling with Materialize CSS library and Bootstrap. It is a list app which could be used as a todo, task list, shopping list or any other errand list application.

The published executable support files are under release build folder without the executable.

To run the application -

  1. Open a prompt/terminal in a folder path.
  2. Type "npm run clean" hit 'Enter'
  3. Type "npm install" hit 'Enter'
  4. Type "npm start" and hit 'Enter'.

To publish the app -

  1. Delete release build folder. O
  2. Open a prompt/terminal in the code extracted root folder.
  3. Run "npm run package-win" for windows.
  4. Run "npm run package-mac" for mac.
  5. Run "npm run package-linux" for linux.

References -

  1. https://www.christianengvall.se/electron-packager-tutorial/
  2. https://github.com/bradtraversy/electronshoppinglist