This app uses JavaScript with the Electron framework along with usual HTML5 CSS3. It also uses the blend of styling with Materialize CSS library and Bootstrap. It is a list app which could be used as a todo, task list, shopping list or any other errand list application.
The published executable support files are under release build folder without the executable.
To run the application -
- Open a prompt/terminal in a folder path.
- Type "npm run clean" hit 'Enter'
- Type "npm install" hit 'Enter'
- Type "npm start" and hit 'Enter'.
To publish the app -
- Delete release build folder. O
- Open a prompt/terminal in the code extracted root folder.
- Run "npm run package-win" for windows.
- Run "npm run package-mac" for mac.
- Run "npm run package-linux" for linux.
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