Set up the basic server: I installed Node.js and Express framework and created a basic server that listens on a specified port.
Implementing routes: I created three different routes as per the requirements:
- Route 1: Handling GET requests for the root URL ("/") and displaying a welcome message.
- Route 2: Handling POST requests to "/api/users" and saving user information to a JSON file.
- Route 3: Handling GET requests to "/api/users" and retrieving user information from the JSON file.
Using logger middleware: I implemented a middleware for logging incoming requests. This middleware logged the method, endpoint, and timestamp of each request to a log file.
Using Error handling middleware: I added error handling for invalid routes and server errors. I utilized try-catch blocks to catch errors and send appropriate error responses to the client.
One challenge I faced was ensuring proper error handling and error messages. It required careful handling of exceptions and providing meaningful error responses to the client.
Another challenge was ensuring the correct usage of file paths and file operations when working with the JSON file for storing user information.
Proper planning and organization of routes and middleware are crucial for building a maintainable and scalable web application.
Error handling is an important aspect of application development and should be implemented effectively to provide a better user experience.
Working with file operations and ensuring proper file paths can be a source of potential errors, so thorough testing and error handling are essential.
- Install all dependencies using command:
npm i || npm install
- Start the server with command:
npm run server
Description: This route handles GET requests to the root URL ("/") and displays a welcome message to the client.
Endpoint: GET /
Request Parameters: None
Request Headers: None
- Success (200 OK): Returns a welcome message as a plain text response.
- Error (500 Internal Server Error): If there is an error while processing the request.
Example Request: GET /
Example Response (200 OK):
"Welcome to the API!"
"This is an web application built with Node.js and Express.js."
- Example Response (500 Internal Server Error):
"Internal server error."
Description: This route handles POST requests to "/api/users" and saves the provided user information to a JSON file that stores user data.
Endpoint: POST /api/users
Request Parameters: None
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
- JSON object containing user information, including the following properties:
- id (string, required): The unique ID of the user.
- name (string, required): The name of the user.
- email (string, required): The email address of the user.
- age (number, required): The age of the user.
- JSON object containing user information, including the following properties:
- Success (200 OK): Indicates that the user information has been successfully saved.
- Error (500 Internal Server Error): If there is an error while saving the user information or processing the request.
Example Request: POST /api/users
" Content-Type: application/json"
"id": 11,
"firstName": "Marcel",
"lastName": "Jones",
"maidenName": "Smith",
"age": 39,
"gender": "male",
"email": "acharlota@liveinternet.ru",
"phone": "+967 253 210 0344",
"username": "acharlota",
"password": "M9lbMdydMN",
"birthDate": "1961-09-12",
"image": "https://robohash.org/impeditautest.png",
"bloodGroup": "B−",
"height": 203,
"weight": 63.7,
"eyeColor": "Amber",
"hair": {
"color": "Black",
"type": "Straight"
"domain": "feedburner.com",
"ip": "",
"address": {
"address": "2203 7th Street Road",
"city": "Louisville",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 38.218107,
"lng": -85.779006
"postalCode": "40208",
"state": "KY"
"macAddress": "59:E8:70:5A:E5:D6",
"university": "Hodeidah University",
"bank": {
"cardExpire": "05/24",
"cardNumber": "5893925889459720",
"cardType": "maestro",
"currency": "Rial",
"iban": "NL97 UWMY 2503 2999 43"
"company": {
"address": {
"address": "308 Woodleaf Court",
"city": "Glen Burnie",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 39.1425931,
"lng": -76.6238441
"postalCode": "21061",
"state": "MD"
"department": "Business Development",
"name": "Kuhn-Harber",
"title": "Account Executive"
"ein": "09-3791007",
"ssn": "342-54-8422",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.792.0 Safari/535.1"
- Example Response (200 OK):
" User information saved successfully."
- Example Response (500 Internal Server Error):
"Internal server error."
Description: This route allows you to retrieve user information from the JSON file that stores user data. You can retrieve all users or search for specific users by their ID.
Endpoint: GET /api/users
Request Parameters:
- id (optional): The ID of the user to retrieve. If provided, the API will return only the user(s) matching the specified ID.
Request Headers: None
- Success (200 OK): Returns the user information in JSON format.
- Error (404 Not Found): If the user(s) with the specified ID is not found.
- Error (500 Internal Server Error): If there is an error while reading the user data file or processing the request.
Example Requests:
Retrieve all users: GET /api/users
Retrieve user by ID: GET /api/users?id=12345
Example Response (200 OK):
"id": 11,
"firstName": "Marcel",
"lastName": "Jones",
"maidenName": "Smith",
"age": 39,
"gender": "male",
"email": "acharlota@liveinternet.ru",
"phone": "+967 253 210 0344",
"username": "acharlota",
"password": "M9lbMdydMN",
"birthDate": "1961-09-12",
"image": "https://robohash.org/impeditautest.png",
"bloodGroup": "B−",
"height": 203,
"weight": 63.7,
"eyeColor": "Amber",
"hair": {
"color": "Black",
"type": "Straight"
"domain": "feedburner.com",
"ip": "",
"address": {
"address": "2203 7th Street Road",
"city": "Louisville",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 38.218107,
"lng": -85.779006
"postalCode": "40208",
"state": "KY"
"macAddress": "59:E8:70:5A:E5:D6",
"university": "Hodeidah University",
"bank": {
"cardExpire": "05/24",
"cardNumber": "5893925889459720",
"cardType": "maestro",
"currency": "Rial",
"iban": "NL97 UWMY 2503 2999 43"
"company": {
"address": {
"address": "308 Woodleaf Court",
"city": "Glen Burnie",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 39.1425931,
"lng": -76.6238441
"postalCode": "21061",
"state": "MD"
"department": "Business Development",
"name": "Kuhn-Harber",
"title": "Account Executive"
"ein": "09-3791007",
"ssn": "342-54-8422",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.792.0 Safari/535.1"
- Example Response (404 Not Found):
"User with ID 12345 not found."
- Example Response (500 Internal Server Error):
"Internal server error."