
Digital Basket is a clone of an e-commerce website BestBuy, which sells various products in the field of electrical appliances.

Primary LanguageHTML


Important Points

- Use dedicated folders for relevant files.

- All script files should be inside script folder.

- Must add 'utility.css' in your html page.

- keep your id and class names unique and should follow this structure: _.

- Don't hard code any layout component, use flex and grid.

- Use connectors for accessing child in parent div, don't use too much Id's and classed.

- use clean nested structure

API docs :

we have 2 categories of products: ### mobiles and laptops

GET ----> ${baseURL}/products

GET ----> ${baseURL}/products/${id}

POST ----> ${baseURL}/products

PUT ----> ${baseURL}/products/${id}

DELETE ----> ${baseURL}/products/${id}

Eveyone create daily branche - <student_code>_day-

eveyone link this utility file in there html :- syles > utility.css

Media Queries

large screen - @media all and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px)

medium screen - @media all and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 767px)

small screen - @media all and (max-width: 480px)