
Official code release of our NeurIPS '19 paper "SPoC: Search-based Pseudocode to Code"

Primary LanguagePython

SPoC: Search-based Pseudocode to Code

[Paper] [Webpage] [Codalab]

For your convenience, we provide a docker image as well as preprocessed data along with original data.


  • Python: 3.6.5
  • PyTorch: 0.4.1
pip install cython
pip install tqdm

Docker (WIP, currently not updated)

docker build -t sumith1896/spoc .
docker run -it sumith1896/spoc bash

Code We use a modified version of OpenNMT-py as our translator, bundled with this repository.

git clone https://github.com/Sumith1896/synlp.git
cd synlp


Get the dataset:

wget https://sumith1896.github.io/spoc/data/spoc.zip
unzip spoc.zip && mv spoc/ data/ && rm spoc.zip

For tokenization of code, we rely on Clang (7.0.1). Fetch the right version of Clang:

wget http://releases.llvm.org/7.0.1/clang+llvm-7.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04.tar.xz
tar -xf clang+llvm-7.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04.tar.xz
mkdir tokenizer/lib
mv clang+llvm-7.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04/lib/libclang.so.7 tokenizer/lib/libclang.so
rm -rf clang+llvm-7.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04
rm clang+llvm-7.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04.tar.xz 

Finally, tokenize the data:

./tokenizer/format-pairs.py -c ./tokenizer/lib -H -t data/train/split/spoc-train-train.tsv > data/input-tok-train.tsv
./tokenizer/format-pairs.py -c ./tokenizer/lib -H -t data/train/split/spoc-train-eval.tsv > data/input-tok-eval.tsv
./tokenizer/format-pairs.py -c ./tokenizer/lib -H -t data/train/split/spoc-train-test.tsv > data/input-tok-test.tsv


Preprocessing the data (or download this preprocessed data from the CodaLab platform):

shuf data/input-tok-train.tsv -o data/input-tok-train-shuf.tsv
mkdir out
./translator/preprocess.py -config translator/config/config.preprocess.yml > preprocess.log

Training the translation model:

./translator/train.py -config translator/config/config.train.yml > train.log
grep 'Validation.*accuracy\|Saving' train.log

Evaluating translation model on test split:

# Separate test source (pseudocode) and target data (code) 
cut -f1 data/input-tok-test.tsv > data/input-tok-test-src.tsv
cut -f2 data/input-tok-test.tsv > data/input-tok-test-tgt.tsv

# Run inference (w/ beam search) for test
./translator/translate.py -config translator/config/config.translate.yml -model out/model_best.pt -log_file out/translate.log

# Get summary statistics of result
./translator/evaluate.py out/translate.log data/input-tok-test-tgt.tsv -o out/translate.summary-nodummy -a | tee out/translate.stats

# Insert back dummy lines that were not translated
./translator/recover-dummy.py data/train/split/spoc-train-test.tsv out/translate.summary-nodummy > out/translate.summary


cp out/translate.summary out/spoc-train-test.summary
cp ../data/train/split/spoc-train-test.tsv out/
bash stitcher/stitching.sh out/spoc-train-test

## TODO use different options