
Thursday classwork

Wednesday Night Leftovers - First Complete Challenges from Wednesday

Submit PRs to SummerOfCode2020 for each challenge

For each challenge push changes to each of the team members githubs.

Submit PRs with the SummerOfCode2020 as the target of the merge.

Thursday's New Algorithm Work Groups

For those that completed all challenges so far.

Congratulations. You've earned more challenges!

Work in groups, 16 minutes per challenge as a max. Set a timer for 8 minutes for the first part of each challenge.

For those first 8 minutes, work individually to the best extent possible.

Then set a new timer for 8 minutes for group review and collaboration.

Work as a group and discuss the challenge, ideas and solutions.

JR will push and share a solution to github in case you would like to see one during your group's discussion time.

Commit, push and make a PR to SummerOfCode2020 for work in progress or work completed.

Continue to the next challenge and repeat 8 min timing.

  • contains
  • some
  • factorial
  • filter

We will then review some of this as a group in the main room.

If you complete all of these challenges, you have the choice to continue other challenges from the slide deck or to start on homework.