
Array filter, map reduce and chaining them all together

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Array filter, map reduce and chaining them all together

Thursday Night Plan


Review and use map code starting from slide 19 through 27

Breakout Hands-On as Student Groups

Build out Price is Right code after class walk-through per slide 29

Breakout Rooms with TAs

Work on reduce slides together as a working group.

See slides 31 to 36 and related slide js files in this repo.

Discuss slide 37 together.

If you get this far and breakout rooms have not closed, continue to chaining in slides 38 to 47.


We will regroup for a moment

Breakout Hands-On as TA and Student Groups

Build out "head of the class" per slide 48


We will review chaining to start week 08

If you are ahead in other areas, feel free to explore the slides on chaining from 38 to 47 in the meantime.


Homework will be discussed at the end of class. Homework will be started tonight if we can fit it in.

10-10-10 will be included again this week.