Javascript Challenge


This takehome task was developed in order to test the basic skillset of a JavaScript developer.

The task consists of backend and frontend functionalities.

You are free to use the internet but must solve this task yourself.

How to use

Install Git and Node.JS on your system.

Verify that the above software has been downloaded correctly by executing the following commands in a terminal:

git -v
node -v
npm -v

The above commands should print a version number in the console.

Create a repo in your GitHub account (do not fork via GitHub!).

Then clone the contents of this repo into it:

git clone
cd JavaScript-Challenge-master
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin
git push -u origin

Install backend dependencies with the command npm install.

Run the backend service and serve static files with the command npm run start.

You can now begin development. To view and test the changes you have made, save the file and restart the local server by executing npm run start again (alternatively, install the ‘Live Server’ VS Code extension, or a similar extension if you are using another IDE, and you can view your changes in realtime).

Once complete share your GitHub repo URL.

The application

The goal of the application is to display how stock prices change over time.

In this starter template you get:

  • A backend application written in node.js that serves information about stocks (for the last 10 hours).
  • A frontend template that renders an empty chart and static spinner.

Getting stock data has a 10% chance of failure (by design). The application needs to account for that.

Mission objectives

  • Make the spinner rotate using CSS3 - Please write custom CSS.
  • Query the backend for list of available stocks.
  • Query the backend for data about each stock.
  • Hide the spinner after all data is loaded.
  • Log to the console the result stock data in a structured way.
  • Fix backend (app.js) to return a meaningful error message when stock data cannot be retrieved (now the request just hangs!).

Additional (if you have time)

  • Plot the stock data on the chart (as a line chart).


  • You are not to modify the code in stocks.js
  • The stocks API is designed to return errors sometimes. The application should gain the ability to cope with that.
  • You can use the provided mini-API for canvas operations, but you can also use other solution.