
For old school code navigation. Add cscope support to Neovim 0.9+.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


For old school code navigation :)

Heavily inspired by emacs' xcscope.el.

Adds cscope support for Neovim 0.9+


🌟 Cscope support

  • Tries to mimic vim's builtin cscope functionality.
  • Provides user command, :Cscope which acts same as good old :cscope.
  • Short commands are supported. e.g. :Cs f g main
  • No need to add cscope database (:cscope add <file>), it is automaticaly picked from current directory or db_file option.
  • Only want to use Cscope? No worries, keymaps can be disabled using disable_maps option.
  • Supports cscope and gtags-cscope. Use cscope.exec option to specify executable.
  • :Cstag <symbol> does tags search if no results are found in cscope.
  • :Cscope build builds cscope db (no more going to terminal just to update the db)
    • vim.g.cscope_maps_statusline_indicator can be used in statusline to indicate ongoing db build.
  • For nvim < 0.9, legacy cscope will be used. It will support keymaps. It won't have all the niceties of lua port.



Install the plugin with your preferred package manager. Following example uses lazy.nvim

  dependencies = {
    "folke/which-key.nvim", -- optional [for whichkey hints]
    "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- optional [for picker="telescope"]
    "ibhagwan/fzf-lua", -- optional [for picker="fzf-lua"]
    "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional [for devicons in telescope or fzf]
  opts = {


You must run require("cscope_maps").setup() to initialize the plugin even when using default options.

cscope_maps comes with following defaults:

  -- maps related defaults
  disable_maps = false, -- "true" disables default keymaps
  skip_input_prompt = false, -- "true" doesn't ask for input
  prefix = "<leader>c", -- prefix to trigger maps

  -- cscope related defaults
  cscope = {
    -- location of cscope db file
    db_file = "./cscope.out",
    -- cscope executable
    exec = "cscope", -- "cscope" or "gtags-cscope"
    -- choose your fav picker
    picker = "quickfix", -- "telescope", "fzf-lua" or "quickfix"
    -- size of quickfix window
    qf_window_size = 5, -- any positive integer
    -- position of quickfix window
    qf_window_pos = "bottom", -- "bottom", "right", "left" or "top"
    -- "true" does not open picker for single result, just JUMP
    skip_picker_for_single_result = false, -- "false" or "true"
    -- these args are directly passed to "cscope -f <db_file> <args>"
    db_build_cmd_args = { "-bqkv" },
    -- statusline indicator, default is cscope executable
    statusline_indicator = nil,
    -- try to locate db_file in parent dir(s)
    project_rooter = {
      enable = false, -- "true" or "false"
      -- change cwd to where db_file is located
      change_cwd = false, -- "true" or "false"


Config for vim-gutentags

  init = function()
    vim.g.gutentags_modules = {"cscope_maps"} -- This is required. Other config is optional
    vim.g.gutentags_cscope_build_inverted_index_maps = 1
    vim.g.gutentags_cache_dir = vim.fn.expand("~/code/.gutentags")
    vim.g.gutentags_file_list_command = "fd -e c -e h"
    -- vim.g.gutentags_trace = 1

Alternative to vim-gutentags

Alternative to gutentags is to rebuild DB using :Cscope build or <prefix>b.

You can create autocmd for running :Cscope build after saving .c and .h files. e.g

local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CscopeBuild", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
  pattern = { "*.c", "*.h" },
  callback = function ()
    vim.cmd("Cscope build")
  group = group,


Default Keymaps

<prefix> can be configured using prefix option. Default value for prefix is <leader>c.

(Try setting it to C-c 😉)

Keymaps Description
<prefix>s find all references to the token under cursor
<prefix>g find global definition(s) of the token under cursor
<prefix>c find all calls to the function name under cursor
<prefix>t find all instances of the text under cursor
<prefix>e egrep search for the word under cursor
<prefix>f open the filename under cursor
<prefix>i find files that include the filename under cursor
<prefix>d find functions that function under cursor calls
<prefix>a find places where this symbol is assigned a value
<prefix>b build cscope database
Ctrl-] do :Cstag <cword>

Custom Keymaps

Disable default keymaps by setting disable_maps = true.

There are 2 ways to add keymaps for Cscope.

Using cscope_prompt() function

cscope_prompt(operation, default_symbol) is exposed to user. This function provides prompt which asks for input (see screenshots below) before running :Cscope command.

e.g. Following snippet maps C-c C-g to find global def of symbol under cursor

  [[<cmd>lua require('cscope_maps').cscope_prompt('g', vim.fn.expand("<cword>"))<cr>]],
  { noremap = true, silent = true }

Using :Cscope command

Use vim.api.nvim_set_keymap() to set keymap for cscope.

e.g. Following snippet maps C-c C-g to find global def of symbol under cursor

  [[<cmd>exe "Cscope find g" expand("<cword>")<cr>]],
  { noremap = true, silent = true }