
Show code context

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight alternative to context.vim implemented with nvim-treesitter.


Neovim >= v0.8.2

Note: if you need support for Neovim 0.6.x please use the tag compat/0.6.



Supported Languages

click to expand
  • bash
  • c
  • c_sharp
  • capnp
  • cmake
  • cpp
  • css
  • cuda
  • d
  • dart
  • elixir
  • fish
  • fortran
  • glimmer
  • go
  • graphql
  • haskell
  • html_tags
  • ini
  • java
  • javascript
  • json
  • latex
  • lua
  • markdown
  • matlab
  • nix
  • norg
  • ocaml_interface
  • ocaml
  • odin
  • php
  • prisma
  • python
  • r
  • ruby
  • rust
  • scala
  • scss
  • smali
  • swift
  • teal
  • terraform
  • toml
  • tsx
  • typescript
  • usd
  • verilog
  • vim
  • yaml
  • zig
  • ada
  • agda
  • arduino
  • astro
  • beancount
  • bibtex
  • bicep
  • blueprint
  • chatito
  • clojure
  • commonlisp
  • cooklang
  • cpon
  • devicetree
  • dhall
  • dockerfile
  • dot
  • ebnf
  • ecma
  • eex
  • elm
  • elsa
  • elvish
  • embedded_template
  • erlang
  • fennel
  • foam
  • fsh
  • func
  • fusion
  • gdscript
  • git_rebase
  • gleam
  • glsl
  • godot_resource
  • gomod
  • gosum
  • gowork
  • hack
  • hcl
  • heex
  • hjson
  • hlsl
  • hocon
  • html
  • htmldjango
  • http
  • jq
  • jsdoc
  • json5
  • jsonc
  • jsonnet
  • jsx
  • julia
  • kdl
  • kotlin
  • lalrpop
  • ledger
  • llvm
  • m68k
  • menhir
  • mermaid
  • meson
  • nickel
  • ocamllex
  • pascal
  • perl
  • phpdoc
  • pioasm
  • po
  • poe_filter
  • proto
  • prql
  • pug
  • ql
  • qmldir
  • qmljs
  • query
  • racket
  • rasi
  • rego
  • rnoweb
  • ron
  • rst
  • scheme
  • slint
  • smithy
  • solidity
  • sparql
  • sql
  • starlark
  • supercollider
  • surface
  • svelte
  • sxhkdrc
  • t32
  • thrift
  • tiger
  • tlaplus
  • todotxt
  • turtle
  • twig
  • ungrammar
  • v
  • vala
  • vhs
  • vue
  • wgsl
  • wgsl_bevy
  • xml
  • yang
  • yuck
  • Configuration

    (Default values are shown below)

      enable = true, -- Enable this plugin (Can be enabled/disabled later via commands)
      max_lines = 0, -- How many lines the window should span. Values <= 0 mean no limit.
      min_window_height = 0, -- Minimum editor window height to enable context. Values <= 0 mean no limit.
      line_numbers = true,
      multiline_threshold = 20, -- Maximum number of lines to collapse for a single context line
      trim_scope = 'outer', -- Which context lines to discard if `max_lines` is exceeded. Choices: 'inner', 'outer'
      mode = 'cursor',  -- Line used to calculate context. Choices: 'cursor', 'topline'
      -- Separator between context and content. Should be a single character string, like '-'.
      -- When separator is set, the context will only show up when there are at least 2 lines above cursorline.
      separator = nil,
      zindex = 20, -- The Z-index of the context window
      on_attach = nil, -- (fun(buf: integer): boolean) return false to disable attaching


    TSContextEnable, TSContextDisable and TSContextToggle.


    Use the highlight group TreesitterContext to change the colors of the context. Per default it links to NormalFloat.

    Use the highlight group TreesitterContextLineNumber to change the colors of the context line numbers if line_numbers is set. Per default it links to LineNr.

    Use the highlight group TreesitterContextSeparator to change the colors of the separator if separator is set. By default it links to FloatBorder.

    Use the highlight group TreesitterContextBottom to change the highlight of the last line of the context window. By default it links to NONE. However, you can use this to create a border by applying an underline highlight, e.g:

    hi TreesitterContextBottom gui=underline guisp=Grey

    Jumping to context (upwards)

    vim.keymap.set("n", "[c", function()
    end, { silent = true })

    Adding support for other languages