

Packages can be built using the provided Dockerfile or locally.

Required environment variables


Represents the target package to build. The value must be the name of a file in the targets directory without the file extension. (e.g. otc_linux_arm64_deb)

Show the list of targets by running:

find targets -name '*.cmake' -exec basename -s .cmake {} \;


Represents the base version of otelcol-sumo. This value is used to fetch the otelcol-sumo binary from GitHub Releases and as the version of the packages produced by this project.


Represents the "sumo" version (e.g. the X in A.B.C-sumo-X) of otelcol-sumo. It is used for fetching the otelcol-sumo binary from GitHub Releases.


Represents the package release version (e.g. the X in A.B.C-X) used for incremental changes to the packaging code. It should contain a unique, unsigned integer that increments with each build to allow for upgrading from one package to another. This is typically set to the job number of a CI job but can be set to 0 when building packages for testing without upgrades.


When packaging a GitHub release with the tag v0.69.0-sumo-0 for macOS on an arm64 processor:

export TARGET=otc_linux_arm64_deb
export OTC_VERSION=0.69.0
export OTC_BUILD_NUMBER=1234

Using Docker

NOTE: This method only supports building deb & rpm packages.

  1. First bake and load the image:
docker buildx bake --load
  1. Build the Makefile:
docker run \
-v $(pwd):/src \
-v $(pwd)/build:/build \
otelcol-sumo/cmake \
cmake /src
  1. Build the package:
docker run \
-v $(pwd):/src \
-v $(pwd)/build:/build \
otelcol-sumo/cmake \
make package

Using local system

Building locally requires dependencies that will differ based on your platform and the packages that you are trying to build. You will need CMake to get started.

  1. Build the Makefile:
cd build && cmake ../
  1. Build the package:
make package