
This project is a modern e-commerce website for technology and electronics products. It uses an Express server and MongoDB for secure data storage, with Firebase Authentication for user login and registration. The site is a Single Page Application (SPA), allowing fast page transitions without reloads, and features dynamic routing through an interac

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is Mern Stack Project,


  • Focus on Technology and Electronics branded Product Website. has implement modern features & funcationality like - express server, mongodb database, firebase Authentication, Single Page Application, Private & dynamic Routing etc.

  • In this Project create based on backend with client using combined. as a result we can save securely product data in database. and if we need we can access this data.

  • besides in this project added aos animation, carosel/slider, helmet, and so on - as a result webpage will be interactive and more effective.

  • for user friendly to intregated interactive and dynamic (UI) user interface besides has provided active route dynamic navbar so that user can access easily any page. as a result user experience will be improve

  • Single Page Application. So, user can access easily any pages using active route navbar not to need reaload page. as a result load fast, user experience will be improve and save their valueable time.

  • In this Project has Add Product section so that admin can easily to add product. not only that if user can to add her favorite product in cart there has been provide card section.

  • Every product card has implement dynamic details & update button so that user to know more details about product and admin can update some features.

  • has made a responsive design - for all devices. has integate authentication system with firebase - login, Registation and third party social login