Let Started with this "Healthcare Related App"

This project is a front-end development type project. This project build with JS React Router.
You can see this Project On Live.

Uses Platform

In this project I used:

  1. React
  2. React Router
  3. Firebase
  4. Bootstrap etc...


  1. This is a clinic service type project, where give all information.
  2. Users can be booked a doctor appointment and see doctor’s details.
  3. Users also can be seeing ambulance details for taking service

About Project Details

If you visit this Project, you can see some pages link with each others.
Where I use React Router to connect each other.

There also have some private route. which is not open until login.
For login process there uses Firebase. You can login with using google or your personal email.

Here I also try to do this site responsive by using bootstrap.
Also uses hook for use same data in different components.