
Create maintainable Flask APIs with scaffolding to get you off the ground quickly

Primary LanguagePython

Create Flask API (Flask Ignite)

A boilerplate Flask application on which to build APIs using best practices. Designed to be the API only alternative for Flask Ignite.

Python application

  • ✅ RESTful API (with argument validation & output schemas)
  • ✅ 100% Code Coverage in Tests
  • ✅ Using Flask Best Practices
  • ✅ Support Deployment on Heroku, Now.sh
  • ✅ With an example image API


$ git clone
$ cd create-flask-api
$ python3 -m venv env; source env/bin/activate # To set up an virtual env
$ ./dev-server.sh # runs: FLASK_DEBUG="true" FLASK_APP="server:create_app" flask run

Key Files:

The API Endpoints are defined in server/api and registered to specific routes in server/api/__init__.py.

  • server/api/__init__.py
  • server/api/wallpaper.py
  • tests/test_wallpaper_api.py


To test with a coverage report:

pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=server


Now.sh deployment

$ now

Heroku Deployment



This repo is designed to be the barebone setup for an API. If you want to hook into a database or do authentication, you should look into Flask Ignite