- Install Dokku on your server
- It's helpful to setup an alias to make running commands on dokku from your own computer
$ alias dokku='ssh -t dokku@your-ip'
Get the most recent JAR file from:
$ git add metabase.jar
$ git commit -am 'Add v... of metabase'
dokku apps:create metabase
# Link Databases
# install postgres if it's not available yet
dokku plugin:install postgres
# Metabase DB
dokku postgres:create metabase
dokku postgres:link metabase metabase
# Take the DATABASE URL from above and run
dokku config:set metabase MB_DB_CONNECTION_URI=<url from earlier> MB_JETTY_PORT=5000 MB_DB_TYPE=postgres BUILDPACK_URL=
# Link any interesting database from other dokku containers
dokku mysql:link your-other-dokku-app metabase
# Note the urls and add them to the metabase dashboard.
$ git remote add dokku
$ git commit -am 'deploy'
$ git push dokku master
- Download the new jar from Metabase and replace the old jar.
$ git add metabase.jar
$ git commit -m 'Upgrade to v...'
$ git push dokku master
You may have to wait a few moments for migrations to run. To check on the progress run the following commnad
$ dokku logs metabase