
Doom RPG is an RPG Modification for the GZDoom Source Port

Primary LanguageC

Fork Overview

The main goal of this fork is bugfixing/stability & performance improvements; however, some usability/gameplay tweaks have been made. I recommend reading CHANGELOG.txt and the commits for all the changes.


Compatible source ports:

  • GZDoom v3.7.0 or higher
  • LZDoom v3.83a or higher
  • Delta Touch v3.1 or higher



It can download the mod and launch it.



Click the green "Code" button, then "Download ZIP." Extract, and then read the wiki for help.


Compatible mods

Only the mods below are compatible. Anything else is unsupported and may lead to instability.

  • DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]
  • LegenDoom v2.7
  • Colourful Hell v0.97ccc
  • Custom version of Jimmy's Jukebox Instant Randomizer has been included which allows DRPG's map events and Outpost music to play.

Compatible Combos:

  • DoomRL Arsenal + DoomRL Monsters

  • DoomRL Arsenal + Colourful Hell

  • LegenDoom + DoomRL Monsters

  • LegenDoom + Colourful Hell

Due to how DRPG is programmed, unlisted combos are unsupported and could lead to unstable behaviour.


  • I, Sumwunn, am personally not comfortable with making gameplay related changes (balance and stuff), so 90% of the time you will just see bugfixes from me.
  • Refer to Links.txt for all required tools for compiling.
  • I'm just a fan of DoomRPG and want to keep it functioning. I'm not experienced, and very much learning as I go, so feel free to offer any comments. I'm also looking at the TODO list and seeing which I can accomplish. Starting with the small tasks of course!
  • Probably forgot something.