LibrosaCpp is a c++ implemention of librosa using Eigen
ewan xu
similar with Eigen, you can just use a single header librosa.h to compute short-time fourier transform coefficients or mel spectrogram
- copy the source directory 'LibrosaCpp' to your project
- add the source directory to your project include path
- write a few lines of code
#include <LibrosaCpp/librosa.h>
int sr = 16000;
int n_fft = 400;
int n_hop = 160;
std::string window = "hann";
bool center = false;
std::string pad_mode = "reflect";
float power = 2.f;
int n_mel = 40;
int fmin = 80;
int fmax = 7600;
// compute short-time fourier transform coefficients
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<float>>> X = librosa::Feature::stft(x, n_fft, n_hop, window, center, pad_mode);
// compute mel spectrogram
std::vector<std::vector<float>> mels = librosa::Feature::melspectrogram(x, sr, n_fft, n_hop, window, center, pad_mode, power,n_mel, fmin, fmax);
- other window function
- compute MFCC